Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Jesus Life in Bunraku! 文楽でイエス様の生活を知ろう!

Gospel in Bunraku - The Life of Jesus (with English captions)

Awesome! This 10 minute video shows the life of Jesus in traditional Bunraku style.

Confronting Pagan Cultures - 無神論の文化に立ち向かうこと


Today I listened to this amazing message by a man called Art Katz. He is a former Jewish atheist who found Christ.


 The message is bilingual (English and Japanese).

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Happy New Year! あけましておめでとうございます!

2013 is nearly over. 2013年はほぼ終わりました。

This year in Japan what do you think was the best news?

This year in your life what do you think was the best thing that happened?

In New Zealand the economy improved a bit this year.

Westerners usually make a New Year's resolution at this time.

Do you have a New Year's resolution?  あなたは新年の抱負がありますか?

Friday, December 27, 2013

Swear Words 失礼な言葉

Sometimes I see non-native English speakers using swear words.

I wonder if they know how bad these words are, or if they just think it's cool.

In English the F word is an extremely rude word.

Please don't use it.
Many Christians (and many non-christians too) find the F word offensive.
多くのクリスチャンは (そして、多くのノンークリスチャンも)「F word」を不快に思います。

Just because you hear bad words in Hollywood movies doesn't mean that they are generally acceptable words.

Many Christians also don't like it when people use God's name carelessly.

For example, many people say 'Oh my God', or 'Jesus!' when they are surprised or angry instead of using the F word.
たとえば、多くの人々は、びっくりしたときや怒るとき、「Oh my God」か「Jesus」言います。これはF wordの代わりに使っているのです。

It's better to say 'Oh my gosh', or 'No way!' or something if you are surprised.
もし、あなたがびっくりしたときは、「Oh my gosh」か「No way!」のほうがいいです。

Another swear word in English is 'sh*t'. It's best to avoid it, although it's not nearly as strong as the F word.
他の英語の失礼な言葉は「sh*t」です。F Wordと同じくらい強くないですが使わないのほうがいいです。

Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Shock  クリスマスのショック

Wise Man: I'd be shocked if anybody had to travel farther than I have to be here in Bethelehem for this census!

Mary: Prepare to be shocked!
"For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me."
John 6:38
わたしが天から下って来たのは、自分の思いのままにするためではなく、神の意志どおりに行なうためだからです。」 ヨハネによる福音書6:38

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Grinch クリスマスのグリンチ

Evolutionist: Listen kid. There was no real Adam and Eve, no forbidden fruit, and no curse from Adam's sin, which means there was no need for a savior to come to Earth to save us from our "sin".

"How the Grinch Stole Christmas" isn't just a story by Dr. Seuss.

Romans 5:12-21

 "Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned—
13 To be sure, sin was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not charged against anyone’s account where there is no law. 14 Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come.
15 But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many! 16 Nor can the gift of God be compared with the result of one man’s sin: The judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation, but the gift followed many trespasses and brought justification. 17 For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!
18 Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people. 19 For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.
20 The law was brought in so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more, 21 so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

アダムが罪を犯した時、罪は全世界に入り込みました。 アダムの罪により、死が全人類に広まり、すべての人は年老いて死ぬよう定められました。 それと言うのも、すべての人が罪を犯したからです。  13こ れらの原因がアダムの罪にあることを、私たちは知っています。 というのは、もちろんアダムからモーセまでの時代にも、人々は罪を犯していましたが、神様 はそのころには、ご自分のおきてを破ったかどで、彼らに死刑を宣告したりは、なさらなかったからです。――神様はまだ、彼らにご自分のおきてを与えず、ま た、彼らにどんな行為を望んでいるかも、告げておられなかったのです。  14そういうわけで、彼らの肉体の死は、彼らの罪のせいではありませんでした。 アダムのように、禁断の木の実を食べるな、という神様の特別のおきてを破ったわけではないからです。
アダムと、やがて来ることになっていたキリスト様とは、なんと対照的でしょう。  15人間の罪と神様の赦しとの間には、なんと大きな違いがあることでしょう。
一人の人アダムは、自分の罪によって多くの人に死をもたらしました。 しかし、一人の人イエス・キリストは、神様のあわれみによって、多くの人に赦しをもたらしたのです。  16アダムの一つの罪が、多くの人に死の罰をもたらしました。 一方、キリスト様は、無代価で多くの罪を取り除き、その代わりにすばらしいいのちを下さるのです。  17この一人の人アダムの罪により、死はすべての人を支配する王となりました。 しかし、神様から、罪の赦しと無罪放免という無代価の贈り物をいただく人はみな、この一人の人イエス・キリストによって、いのちの王となります。  18そうです。 アダムの罪は、すべての人に刑罰をもたらしましたが、キリスト様の正しさは、人々を神様の前に正しい者とするのです。 それで、人々は生きることができるのです。  19神様に従わなかったアダムは、多くの人を罪人にしましたが、神様にお従いしたキリスト様は、多くの人を神様に受け入れられる者としてくださいました。
20「十戒」が与えられて、すべての人は、自分がいかに神様のおきてに従いえない存在か、よくわかるようになりました。 しかし、私たちは、自分の罪深さを知れば知るほど、赦してくださる神様の満ちあふれる恵みが、いっそうわかるようになるのです。  21以前は、罪がすべての人を支配し、死に導きました。 しかし今では、反対に神様の恵みが私たちを支配するようになり、主イエス・キリストによって、私たちに神様の前での正しい身分を与え、永遠のいのちへと導いてくれるのです。

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Questions for Followers of Eastern Philosophies Part 2 東洋哲学の信者のための質問 パート2

(See Part 1 here - パート1はこちら: http://www.jesusikigai.com/2013/12/questions-for-followers-of-eastern.html)
THE ANSWER - JESUS CHRIST  答えはイエス・キリストにあり

The Bad News:悪いニュース:

The possibility that you could be wrong about everything is absurd.
If you could be wrong about everything, you really don't know anything at all - not even that!
あなたがすべてについて間違っている可能性があれば、あなたは本当にまったく何もわからないということになる - 間違っていることさえも!

The fact that you DO know things, exposes that you know that God exists, but are stealing your foundation for knowledge from Him.

Without having all knowledge something you don't know could contradict what you think you know.

In order to know anything, you would have to know everything, OR have revelation from someone who does.

Only God knows everything. He also cannot lie and never changes.

Unless you start with the God you DO know, you have no basis for knowledge.

God does not condemn people for what they don't know, but for sin against the God that they do know.

You were created in God's image, to glorify and enjoy Him forever.

When you sin, you fail to imitate God as he commands, and lie about who He is.

God alone is good, and the final standard of truth.

All have fallen short of His standard and deserve eternity in Hell.

This is not because of the severity of the sin, but because of the goodness of God.

Since God is perfect, no sin can be in His presence, and his perfect justice demands a perfect sacrifice to atone for sin.

THE GOOD NEWS: よいニュース:

Jesus Christ, who is God the Son, came into the world as a man to live in perfect obedience to the Father.

With His death on the cross, Jesus became the perfect sacrifice, cancelling the debt against sinners by taking their full punishment upon Himself.

Three days later, He rose from the dead, defeating sin and death, earning eternal life for all those who trust in Him.

Through His love and mercy, Jesus satisfied God's justice and is the only way to peace, assurance, forgiveness, and salvation.

To be reconciled to God, you must repent and trust that Jesus died for your sins.

Your sins will be forgiven, God will see you as perfect in Christ, and God the Holy Spirit will make you a new creation with a redeemed soul for eternity, and redeemed reasoning NOW.

The only answer and only hope in this life and the next is Jesus Christ.